These LED's need a heat sink. They have double sided tape and fit in the groove of the original fixture. Lamp base has capability of plugging more LED modules in it. Available from
gregg_dan AT ,use LED in subject
These are supposed to be equal an 1156 in lumens. Pretty good!
LED conversion for a bi pin halogen
LED on for the reading light. No heat like a halogen.
Red neck propane transfer, Needed to use warm water to get enough of a pressure difference to pop open the fill valve.
Approach to KOMA. Airport would be under water if there was no dike. Many wells were put in and kept pumping to keep the water table down and save Epply Airfield
Flooded Missouri river looking South East from the Bluffs on the Iowa side. I-29 (closed) in the middle of the image. Omaha in the background. This image taken from Rustic Chicks blog.
Press brake in progress. Bottom dies are next to be made. Welds were done with 1/8" 7018 at 130 amps on the Everlast. Springs are Olds 455 valve springs, two on each side.
Shaper oil pump has been erratic and it finally quit. Serial number shows it was built in 1959
This lever that actuates the pump quit moving.
Took it apart and found that the lever got out of the cam groove and slipped between the cam and case. Added a few washers so that might not happen again.
The lever is supposed to stay in this eccentric cam groove on the back of the bull gear. I was glad to find the gear is steel and not phenolic plastic like some shapers.
Shaper parts
Tapered pin holds stuff in place
Cutting off parts of the scrap metal I'm going to make the die out of.
Fixture to make the bevel with. 40 degrees from horizontal.
Cutting the bevel
Short stroke for this. Oil pump stayed working :-)
All done. 80 degree edge for springback making true 90's. Steel for die is 3/4 X 4"