Everlast PM 256 multiprocess welder. 250 amp stick, AC-DC tig and 60 amp plasma cutter. I can not believe how affordable this is. Wanted a plasma cutter for a long time and figured I'd never have a tig setup.
Everlast web link
Welding tip and tricks did videos of of an Everlast welder with a front end like the PM256
Video link

All this stuff comes with it. Plasma torch, stick electrode holder, ground clamp, foot pedal, tig torch (water cooled!), argon regulator, air filter, spare plasma consumables, and hoses to hook up the gas parts.

Tried out the stick function with 1/8" 7018. It sounds different than my Miller Thunderbolt on DC. The Thunderbolt has a 60 hertz hum to it where the PM256 makes more of a hiss. I think it is because the inverter runs at a higher frequency. They weld pretty much the same. This european style electrod holder is different than a Tweco like I'm used to but I like it.

Fiddled with the plasma cutter and had air pressure issues that are my fault. This reminds me of Luke Skywalker's light sabre.

Welder fleet. The Thunderbolt is redundant with the addition of the PM256.