Sunday, May 14, 2023

Onan end bearing regreasing

At the Spring 2023 Hattiesburg Rally during Jim Bounds Onan seminar Bob Stone brought up how to regrease the Onan's end bearing. We did it and it's not a hard job. We had a used Onan bearing on the bench and popped the seal out and back in to see how it went. Used a seal pick on the outside rim of the seal and bearing race and it came out pretty easy and popped back in. If you bend the seal bend it back flat and it will be good.
We slid the Onan all the way out and this is what you can see with a big light in the Onan compartment
Next we wiped off the bearing and popped the seal out
We used this grease by putting a couple finger loads in the bearing, popped the seal back in and ran it for twenty minutes. The extra grease the bearing didn't want came out.
Wiped off the extra grease and hopefuly it will be good for a few more decades.

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