Friday, March 29, 2013

Tiling with QEP lash clips

      The first tile we picked got back ordered and then Ragno changed the scheduled production date to indefinite. This is the same stuff in a little different color. We could get 20 inch tile but I was concerned with how that would go as the floor is not flat enough  IMHO. These are 13 inchers.  I snapped two perpendicular chalk guide lines and sprayed them with hair spray so they would not rub off. Temporary layout to see how its going to go.
  I'm using QEP lash clips. I really like them! Keeps the tile flat and even (less lippage)
                                                                   Lash clips
                     They  costs about 40 cents a tile to use but well worth it.
                                          Clips are hard on fingers haha
              Using a 1/2 X1/2 notch trowel and back buttering the tile. Tractor weights come in handy for unruly tile.
                          Temporary boardwalk so we can still get around.

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