Friday, March 30, 2012

Touch-Plate wiring system

 Swapped out a relay in this Touch-plate wiring system. Advantage of these is all switches are at 28 volts DC and the 120 volt AC circuits are dead unless the load is switched on. Parts are available here
 Here is a switch out of the wall.. low voltage switching circuit only needs small wires
 This is a touchplate relay. Was able to get it working again by cleaning and putting in graphite powder lube. Zero cost fix.
This is the power supply for the switching circuit at 28.5 volts DC. Touch-Plate calls it a transverter. Changed the capacitor out in this one a few years back rather than buy a complete new unit. Symptom of the weak cap was sometimes the relays would switch and sometimes not. These are designed to be safe for the relay coils even if a switch sticks on and no chance of fire.

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