Thursday, December 10, 2020

GMC Motorhome brake booster comparison OEM vacuum, Hydroboost and Hydromax


Top to bottom Hydromax, Hydroboost with 40mm master, and OEM Vacuum booster

OEM vacuum booster

Hydroboost with 40 mm master cylinder

Hydromax with 2" master cylinder

Hydromax manual link

Brake pressure from Hydromax

2" Hydromax master with reservoir removed. Built like a "P30" master

Booster poppet valves

Hydromax master at assembled length. Volume ratio between sections 1 to 1

Hydromax rod does come out and a few styles are available or make what you want. New grommets are available.

Hydromax is different than Hydroboost in that the hydraulic flow path can have no restriction on the outlet, not a power beyond deal. Need a separate engine driven pump on the GMC or some kind of dual section pump. Relatively huge volume from the large master should satisfy all disk brakes with big pressure. Backup electric pump on primary flow failure.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Kiln control retrofit

Original control was two switches with high low off for each element. No temperature control at all. It required close watching.
  New control kit has two SSR's a type K thermocouple and a ramp and step control. From Amazon

Mostly installed, I put the SSR's low to keep them out of the heat and made a heat shield for the controller.
Thermocouple installed in the upper peep hole. Controller pulses SSR's to control heat input.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

EDM test with Dave and Roy

We build and test a low budget EDM for burning out broken taps, bolts and making holes in hard metals. Stepper motor control is an Arduino UNO set up for gap current control. This was steel
Test with aluminum. Hex hole burned with EDM. 35 -45 volts electrode positive
Redesign with a linear actuator for ram

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Copper chill weld repair

Our storage box for a Sioux seat grinder kit was missing the tab one one side to latch the top down. I didn't notice until I'd already painted the box. My plan was to use a copper chill to mask off what I didn't want wire feed weld to stick on and then the tab could be ground to fit. I used flattened copper tube for the chill.