Sunday, February 28, 2016

Arduino relay board test

Arduino relay board test. The darn  thing was doing unexpected stuff testing for a dishwasher controller. Testing the relays  confirms I have a software error and the relays do work. Think the TONE function is conflicting with the pins I was using.

Friday, February 26, 2016

JF9 40 mm master install

Hydroboost with 40 mm master cylinder

       Counter bore hydroboost so 40mm master nose fits in.
Spacer plate is .312" and along with the counter bore in the hydroboost lets the nose fit in so the master's flange mates up.

snow blade back drag mod

Some of the truck mounted snow blades have been modified to clean both directions. Decided to mod our tractor blade the same by adding an additional hinged blade. I can back drag away from garage doors then  push  with out getting off the tractor to swivel the blade.