Saturday, September 15, 2012

hull liner as headliner

 I'm using Hull liner an Ozite like fabric. I got this idea from the bus nuts forum and the stuff from:

 Supplies used. Dap landau top adhesive is the stuff to use. I got it from Rochford
 Cement sprayed on, two coats sprayed at 90 degrees from each other. I read to do two coats on the busnuts forum. It took 3/4 of the gallon of cement.
                                                                     Glued up!
                             Needed wedges  to gain clearance to slide this panel in
                                                                 Partial install
                                                      Installed! I have three days in it.
Perfectfit ships without folding. No creases that way, costs a little more to ship but probably worth it. I got 6 running yards there was about a 6 inch strip left over.Not a lot of room for error.
                                                Cement works on shoes too !

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bending PVC conduit

 Hot bending PVC conduit. I don't have a "hot box" like a real electrician but the heat gun works if you take your time. Warming up the inside first. Took about 45 minutes total....
                                                  90 is bent, making a 3 1/4" off set.
                                                    1/2" offset on the other end
                                                 Letting it cool, it wants to go back haha
New Trojan house batteries! It seems automotive style round top posts are extinct for 2GC size batteries so we needed new bolt on cables.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Slumping bottles and more anchors

                                                               Image with flash
                                                             No flash image
       We had about a 60% success rate due to glass sticking to kiln parts.
                  Doubled up on shelter anchors,  30 inch auger anchors set in by air impact