
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A little snow and homemade laundry soap

                                                                A little snow
                                                           A little snow plowing
             Home made laundry soap, Fels soap grated before putting in the blender.
 Weaponized in a blender. 1 bar Fels soap, 1 1/2 cup washing soda. 1  1/2   cup  TSP, 1 1/2 cup Borax.
                                  We use in our top loader 1 table spoon per load
Later on I substituted sodium tripolyphosphate for the trisodium phosphate using the same ratios...much better. Also if you nuke the Fels bar in a microwave it becomes much easier to grind up in the blender. The heck with that grater.