Friday, January 30, 2009

Susie welds up a trellis

Sue fabricated a trellis for a friends birthday. It is made of 3/8 round steel except for the whiskers made of 1/4. The supplier had no hot rolled stock so we got cold roll. Much stiffer to bend than the hot roll we wanted. It was overcast this afternoon making excellent lighting for taking pictures.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Side Panels Installed

Side panels installed. Had both of them off and back on a couple of times to adjust the fabric tension for wrinkles and the top of the bigger panel had a sag where it goes under the molding.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Side panel recovery

Wall panel for the side of the dinette and the lower part of the door recovered to match. Used the grinder to bevel the foam glued on the original panel to give a softer edge look. Total material was 14 yards for two seats and these panels.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dinette seats finally done!

Seats are done. The backs were a bugger. Reused the tack strips and they weren't in the best of shape. Still need to recover he wall panel and door to match.

Monday, January 12, 2009


5 Minute epoxy for a quick glue job. Magnets and clamps until set (really takes about 20 minutes)

Door and snow

Dinette storage door in place and it fits. Still need to make the flaps for the back that cover the mechanism. It snowed some more today. Pushed last nights snow off but it was only good until this afternoon.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Snowing tonight good time to be messing around inside

Dinette base cover

Part of the original upholstery was glued on to the metal frame of the dinette base. I didn't know how much luck I would have using that method so I made some wood strips and screwed them to the metal frame. Now their was a place to staple fabric to and it would be attached for good. The base already had riser blocks on the bottom.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Even more buttons

The trowel was just the right size to tie a loop of cord through the button eye. The wood washers are the same size as the original press board ones. A hog ring secures the cord after its pulled through the washer. I put some 20 minute epoxy on the knots. The cord is 8 lb synthetic from Walmart. It's so slippery I didn't think it would stay tied. I cut the original seat face out and glued it on the bottom of the new foam to protect the foam. As a bonus it already had the holes for the button cord.

More Buttons

Melted the holes for the button cord so maybe the fabric won't unravel. The fabric is all synthetic poly and rayon.

Seat bottom

We used a higher density foam for the seat as compared to the backrest.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Backrest cover and buttons

Backrest cover before buttons and with buttons. Got the pattern offset a little skirt to face. Callie the cat is keeping a eye on progress.

Backrest Foam

Foam for the GMC dinette seat backrest. The buttons need to have some relief so they will be below the level of the fabric. The original holes were the same size as the OD of 1" pipe so I made a cutter on the lathe. It worked OK to cut the holes with a hammer and wood under the foam. An electric knife works good for trimming foam.